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2004-04-17 - 12:31 a.m.

A Curious Dream

Disclaimer: So this is really bad. I mean it's really good too, but... ok, I'm torn.

I woke my daughter at 5:00 a.m. as usual so that she could get to her early class. I don't always go back to bed but this morning I did. I set my alarm for 6:30 but had a lot on my mind and didn't have much hope for any additional shut-eye.

And then suddenly... out of nowhere... I was sitting on the ground outside the door of the Tour Bus. My kittens, Marzipan and Riley, were next to me enclosed, not in their normal Kitty Kennel which they usually ride in when they travel, but in something resembling more of a 'pen' about 4x4 encased in barbed wire. I was carefully measuring their food into their bowls (probably because the morning before I had HAD no food for them and they had to wait till I had a chance to get to the store which would be after work and I was feeling guilty.)

But all of a sudden I look up and there is Clay standing on the steps just inside the door of the bus and he is smiling and waving and saying goodbye to everyone who's just outside. Then Raleigh, who has been so content in her Master's arms just a moment before, suddenly sprints out of them, into the air and down the steps that lead to a certain den of (Tom Cat) iniquity. OK, so I now just thought about the bi-species implications. But the world has come so far in terms of that, so maybe that's why it didn't seem like much of an issue in my dream.

Instinctively I grab her up and she is all wagging her tail and lapping at my face and I say, "Hey sweetheart! Where ya goin"?... and then of course Clay is right there looking frightened as all get out for fear of his baby face to face with those THINGS in the pen.

But fast forward... dream stuff ya know. And now Raleigh is playing quite happily with my kitties. He's showing them a bone and they are quite intrigued by it. Never mind that the gender roles have changed here. It's a dream, remember so, whatever.

And then Clay says to me, "Wow!" do you travel with all this cat stuff all the time?... because it's really A LOT of stuff! And trying to underplay my fangirliness I say, "Well, it's just one of those little setbacks that comes with being a groupie."

Then he goes around and signs autographs for awhile but pretty soon he's just standing there and nobody wants his autograph anymore and nobody's even talking to him and I'm feeling kind of bad for him... but not really bad... just awkward, because I think the real reason nobody's talking to him is because they're just too nervous to say anything. But he doesn't realize that.

And the animals have all gone to sleep.

So he comes over to where I am and he sits down on the ground and he kind of strokes Raleigh through the barbed wire while she's sleeping and he's just looking down at his lap like he doesn't know what he's suppose to do next.

And then I just have this incredible urge to hug him, which I do. And I'm wondering if it's alright to do that, but he doesn't seem to mind.

My hands go up to his face first and just hold it for a while, as I stare at him, then into his hair, and I think "I am really crossing the line here and somebody is gonna yank me away from him any second now." But nobody does. And then there doesn't seem to be anything left to do but kiss him.

It's just a quick one at first and then I pull back and he's looking at me and says "What was that?" but really, it's OK." So I kiss him again... slower. But his lips feel really tight and thin and I'm thinking "Noooo, this is not how it's suppose to be!" Anyway, we finish that kiss and then he kind of bites his lip and looks down and says, "I know, I'm not very good" and I say "No it WAS good" but just try to relax, OK hon?" But I am DYING here in my dream and my first thought is "Do I tell the Broads about this??? or do I just keep our little secret?"

And then he smiles and says "come here" and pulls me back to him like he wants to try it again and it's a little better but not much because he's just working too hard at trying to do what he thinks he's suppose to do... and while I'm kissing him I'm thinking, "Oh come ON... I know these lips of yours better than I know my OWN... so please just let them be what they always are so naturally...let them just BE YOUR LIPS. And then I do something that could REALLY be considered crossing the line if anybody is watching... I run my hands up the sides of his chest until they are just about under his arm pits and then I stretch my thumbs inwards... and stroke his, um, chest.

Well!.. it's obvious he's never had THAT done to him before and he just kind of falls back and I fall on top of him and meanwhile there are sounds coming from his throat that almost scare me... yet they are extremely satisfying. And then suddenly his mouth is in charge and his lips and tongue become everything I ever dreamed they would be.

Ok, I know it was just a dream, but it was one of those rare ones where you are actually given the opportunity to say, "I don't believe this is happening to me!!!... like when you don't wake up just BEFORE it all happens.

Which reminds me...

Then I hear Jerome say that it's time to go and so I sit up, and as I do I look down... and so does he. And at the same exact time we both say, "Uh Oh". I mean how cute is that??? And I think, in my dream, "I cannot believe we both said "Uh Oh" at the same exact time. I mean this is absolute fate! Somebody needs to buy somebody a COKE!

But anyway, so then Clay says that maybe we can save the next part of it for next time. So I mean, not only did I get my whole dream in, but I got a cliffhanger as well!

And then he picked Raleigh up, who had strangely become a little blond headed girl, and he carried her back onto the bus.

My daughter, who is blond by the way, was hanging out on the bus this whole time! I'm not sure how she actually made her way ONTO the bus, maybe she's got her own connections but at any rate I'm at least glad that she wasn't anywhere within eyeshot.

But suddenly she's standing next to me, helping me fold up the kitty pen and I say to her, "You're not gonna believe what just happened!" And she says to me, "Mom... Whatever it was I'm sure I won't be TOO terribly surprised. Afterall, you DO live with Justin Guarini!...

OMG! Couldn't you just pee? I mean I couldn't have dreamt it better if I'd written it myself!


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