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2006-05-14 - 11:02 a.m.

It's Mother's Day and I wasn't sure what to write here so I guess I'll just ramble. Actually (ha!) I just found something that I wrote several years back at my Mother's request to aid her in a book she was compiling about our family's geneology.

It's long. *Yawn* but somehow it seemed as appropriate a thing as any to ramble on about today.

I love my mom! I love being a mom! And even though my nest is empty this Mother's Day all I have to do is close my eyes and remember last week, all of us being together... three generations sleeping under one roof. And though I was hundreds of miles from "home" I wasn't.

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Written 2/20/01

The world began On October 13th 1954 in Pasadena, California. That was the day I was born, so I guess from my perspective it would be a true statement. The first home I remember was our little three bedroom ranch on Lawnwood Street in La Puente. Driving by it once as an adult I was amazed at how small it seemed, but for the first twelve years of my life it was the center of the universe.

I remember holidays and all the mess and clutter that my mother endured to make sure we all had the ultimate experience of whatever season it was. Our annual Easter event was making sugar peephole eggs, a project which would totally encompass our kitchen for days. It amazes me still that mom never let on how much the crunching of sugar under our feet on the kitchen floor must have bothered her, knowing what an emaculate housekeeper she's always been. One Easter, just before my sister Jeannie was born, she made the cutest dotted swiss dresses for Carol and me. Because she was teaching school full time at the time and hadn't been able to complete them until the last minute, she stayed up all night putting on the finishing touches, going to bed just as the sun was coming up. I'm sure this scenario was replayed many times during our young lives, whether it was a recital costume or a prom dress... we would always wake up to a wonderful creation laid out on the dining room table. I'm not sure we nearly appreciated her sacrifices at the time, but motherhood surely teaches us.

Halloween entailed more sewing projects (our costumes were never "store-bought") along with the occassional haunted house, complete with ketchup dribbled all over the bathroom fixtures and floor. The memory of the smell of it reminds me that I am not nearly as tolerant a person as my mother must have been.

Needless to say, Christmas's were awesome!

Another event that sticks out in my mind were the "days" that mom would give to each one of us during the summer. Since the school year was so hectic, with not much individual time allowed, one day each summer would be the thing I looked forward to most. She would leave the other two of us at home and spend the entire day with the other. Nothing was ever allowed to interfere. She would take us wherever we wanted to go. Sometimes it was a trip to Disneyland or Knotts Berry farm or simply a day of shopping for clothes. These "days" stick out in my mind among some of the most special of my childhood...

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To read the rest of "My Life... or something resembling it"... go here.

Because today is not so much about all that other stuff that happened in between...

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It's taken me many years to realize what momhood truely means. Sometimes it's a choice and other times it's just something that happens to you when you least expect it... and you somehow just go with it until it all finally winds down. And then, somewhere down the road it finally hits you that, even with the whirlwind of it all and it's share of sacrifices and tears, that you're not nearly ready for it to be over with because it is truly the most joyous, precious and wonderful thing that you've ever experienced.

Anyway, I hope that I have been half as good a mom to D & W as my mom was to me.

And now girls?... I'm still laying in wait for my "virtual" breakfast in bed...

Nevermind... that picture alone is somehow a Mother's Day feast enough...

A very, very Happy Mom's Day to all!

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