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2004-12-01 - 12:46 p.m.


I hate Christmas music.

Well, I don't actually HATE it... I just hate all the stuff they start playing non-stop on the radio the day after Thanksgiving. Being honest, it makes me nauseous. I think I actually DID like Karen Carpenter's "Merry Christmas Darling" once upon a time... and Streisand's first Christmas album is PRIMO... especially considering she's jewish. (Omg... hope that didn't offend anyone!) And I DO love traditional Christmas Carol's, like the ones you sing around the piano.. or at church. But other than that... bleh.

Anyway... about ten years ago I stumbled upon Amy Grant's "Home For Christmas" and basically that's the only thing that has played in my home and car during the holidays ever since like.. 1994. Awesome Christmas Album! We never trimmed the tree without Amy! My kids have pretty much "endured" her for years, and come February they would always roll their eyes and say, "Mom, we think it's time to put Amy away now..." And so I would. **sniff** I love Amy.

My kids have both gone off to college now and this year they will be spending Christmas with their dad. I think this is the first year I won't have them home for the holidays. I also think that during their time away from home they have also better learned the value of money. So, when I asked them each what they wanted for Christmas their lists were pathetically short. But among the few odds and ends necessities... they BOTH (completely apart from the other) added that they wanted the Amy Grant Christmas Album. No lie! And then I realized what this music represented to them.. "Christmas at Home."

But.. I had already bought "Clay" for each of them and felt such a pang in my heart at the thought of how he would probably just be "put away"...

... and not just in February.

And then... a Lightbulb moment! So I went quickly to work and...

Gurrls, I give you... Amy Aiken! The only Christmas Album you will EVER need! Oh.My.God... It's AmAzing!!!

And kind of the equivalent of hiding vegetables in my children's mashed potatoes...

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