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2008-05-18 - 4:15 p.m.

Spamapalooza and On My Way Here... late again.

I am behind. WAY behind.

But still, I was able to catch the funniest show on earth in NYC on April 26th and 27th.

I didn't take this picture but I wish I would've. Even just wish I'd been able to SEE him in the alley once. My old alley. *sniff*

But quick recap... 4 gals in a room, 8 traveling together. Not an easy venture logistics-wise. But we had the time of our life.

*Saves space for pictures* Wow that was quick...

On Monday, Cheryl, Karen and I went to see the Easter Bonnet Competition for Broadway Cares which is the annual culmination of the six-week fundraising project to raise money for aids and awareness. We had no idea what to expect and the premise of the show sounded sort of silly. Casts of thousands putting on 'skits'...

We missed him by a day. (See upper right of program.)

He was WONDERFUL... we hear. Still, the show was lots of fun on Monday too, in it's own right. Oh, and I got to see my bff Connie who was stage managing a couple of the the numbers.

*saves space for video of Tuesday* Oh, and here it is...

Fast forward. I came home and then he closed last Sunday. And of course Shubert Alley was absolutely packed for the final farewell, though the rest of us weren't there... but Julie was.

He surprised everyone by climbing out a window and coming out onto the roof above the alley. There was no way everyone would be able to see him otherwise and I guess he knew that. He's funny. And it's good to know he has one less phobia.

And then he left, but not before reminding us to buy 6.

I only bought 3. I'm a bad fan! Can somebody else pick up the slack for me? You won't regret it. Promise.

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