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2004-04-28 - 4:31 p.m.

My Broadmuda

Confused? I know. So if you need an explanation as to what a Broadmuda actually is go here. Otherwise, please just dive in.

My story is probably a little different than most of yours. I want so badly to say that I fell in love with him on Sedaka night... or, to even further exhibit my initial sense of him... in Atlanta. But it wouldn't be true. I'm not sure when I fell in love with him... I only know that I did.

See, I was going to school on Tuesday nights during the winter of 2003. Not that I wanted to miss AI2, because I had gotten fairly caught up with the first season and thought it was a pretty cool show... and entertaining too. I mean, almost as much as "Survivor."

And I wanted to see the new one enough to repeatedly ask a co-worker to tape it for me. Sometimes she did. Sometimes she didn't. Either way... life went on.

I remember my initial reaction to Clay as seeming... familiar. I can't describe it any better than that. And of course I thought his voice was phenomenal. I don't actually remember the first time I laid eyes (or ears) on him though. And that still haunts me.

But one day we all decided to order lunch in and take it over to one of the training rooms which was equipped with a TV/VCR so that we could all watch the tape that my co-worker had recorded the night before. It seems funny now, thinking back, because they were all HUGE AI2 Fans and would spend an hour every Wednesday morning around the coffee machine discussing what had ensued the night before. None of them liked Josh or Carmen... LOVED K'Lo and Ruben... and though they thought Clay had a great voice, didn't feel he was Idol material. But at this point, he was clearly my favorite. I think...

But anyway, I'm sitting there in this room with my lips tightly wrapped around a spicy, southwestern Roly Poly... and I am suddenly witnessing this Angel from Heaven on the TV screen in front of me. I take it all in... but, having never been what you'd call a fan of anyone before in my life, I am not able to recognize or decipher the internal warning signs of what it was that was actually about to happen to me.

I remember going in to one of my co-worker's offices later and saying... sorta meekly, "Ya know... I think he might win." Five minutes later I was heading back to my own office with my tail between my legs thinking, "Ok, I'll never bring THAT up again..."

And so that's my story. So unexciting, I know.

Except that then there I was, approximately two months later, walking around the house and pretty much comotose with the sounds of all my newly discovered Clack (but way prior to it being dubbed that) resonating in my headphones and saying over and over to myself, "What in the heck is going on with me?"

So there you have it.

But so anyway, something that has occurred to me in the past week that I find very strange... and slightly amusing, is that these same co-worker's are now once again assembling around the coffee pot every Wednesday morning. The contestants they are loving and critiquing are different, but other than that it could still be 2003 for all intents and purposes. For them, last year is history and now long forgotten. For me? Hmm.

I guess sometimes I really do envy their meager investments. But honestly?... most of the time... not so much.

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