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2009-01-28 - 9:36 p.m.

In Honor of the Sixth Anniversary of "Take"...

It's funny, because FOR YEARS I was really confused.

The broadcast and re-broadcasts and montages and videos of the first time he opened his mouth in Atlanta always began like this:

Simon: So what are you going to sing?

Clay: Singin' "Always and Forever"

Simon: Ok..

And THEN when he opened his mouth to sing... out came "TAKE time to show me, Yoooou really care...yada yada"

So yeah... I never really GOT that.

It's all in the editing folks! And what I'd call a major "glitch" in some very important lines of communication...

But Hosaa's Reconstruction of it finally set the record straight.

When I first began making montages, I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. So when I go back and watch this second effort of mine I am always pretty much shocked and surprised. Because I think it has to be (hands down) the favorite one I've ever made... or at least my second favorite. I think I was just so completely and hopelessly IN LOVE, yet at the same time realizing the complete futility of those feelings. Remember those days? Crazy.

And even though those feelings have splintered off in many different directions over the past few years they have always circled back (and thankfully on a much more realistic level.) But This One...for me... well, it just keeps continuing to remind of why I came in the first place... why I keep coming back... and why I'm still here.

SO, in honor of this sixth anniversary of "Always"... heh

I just love him, that is all. And will probably continue to do so, well, for a good, long time. Or as long as he'll have me. *g*

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