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2009-06-01 - 9:00 p.m.

So Who's Idea Was It To Call Me J'nut?

So here's the thing... I'm in the grocery store checkout line when I suddenly realize that my money is in the glove compartment of my car. So I ask the pretty little checkout girl if she can hold my order while I run out and get it. She smiles and says "sure."

When I come back with the money I completely apologize and tell her how I'm just getting use to all this... being on the Dave Matthews plan and all... using cash in envelopes instead of just "ching chinging" my debit card.

She stares at me blankly...

The Total Money Makeover?... I SO swear it works! ... pause... You've heard of Dave Matthews right?

*Lights on* Oh no, of COURSE I've heard of him!... and I just LOVE him!

We nod and agree. *bonding moment*

I leave the store feeling extremely happy that there are youngin's out there who actually "get it"...

Yes, this seriously happened. And just today!

I have no idea where that came from. But even so... my budget is working great! And so I guess a rose by any other name can still smell as sweet.

I cannot believe I'm actually admitting this...

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