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2009-09-14 - 8:03 p.m.

I Swear!... If It's Not One Thing... it's probably nothing...

Just to keep you all up to date on my latest Poison Ivy debacle...

Well, I finally procured the services of Poison Ivy Control of Michigan after several landscaping companies told me they wouldn't even touch the stuff.

So the 'guy' (who shall remain nameless) stepped out of his black, Ford 150 or something like that, yesterday afternoon looking absolutely drop dead gorgeous in his thigh high rubber boots. And then I remembered that he really WAS probably half my age. I tend to forget about those kinds of things sometimes...

Anyway... on our walk back to my woods I extraopolated over my sad tale of poisonous woe and he seemed so very symphathetic. However once we got out there it didn't take more than a second for him to say "This isn't ivy." (He called it "ivy"... how cute! Like it was a completely non-threatening thing to him.) But I absolutely love honesty, if you know what I mean.

The only saving grace for me, after having him travel half way across the state ON A SUNDAY no less (and one that helped me to feel much less like an idiot) was the fact that he DID actually find quite a lot of it crawling on the floor of my woods along with a big ole mother vine... (and I use that term in a purely horticultural sense) growing up a tree in the far back in my woods that would have surely dropped a ton more babies onto the floor of my woods this fall. So he took care of what was there with his humongous canister (which I'm sure is still 3/4 full) and he'll return in 2 weeks to completely yank it all out.

He also confirmed that the thing I pulled out of my flowerbeds (with my bare hands) a couple weeks ago was indeed... "ivy" which he then shot dead. Bang! So thankfully, somehow in the end I was saved from being TOO totally embarrassed about my complete ignorance.

And then he left me a card with his cellphone number, along with the word "Anytime..." Now I'm more than certain all that meant was that THAT was the best number to reach him at... anytime... but still. lol

Meanwhile... I'm now wondering how to apologize to this very innocent plant for all but annihilating it last weekend!



Shoot! I sure do hope it grows back...

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