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2010-06-21 - 10:40 p.m.

Finally... Finis!

This has been a really intense 7 weeks! But tonight I turned in my final project. A revision of our very first design.

You may remember the assignment from part one where we were asked to create a design depicting an image of ourself along with a graph which represented our proficiencies in the various Adobe applications.


Then I'll remind you...

The biggest critique I received was that there didn't seem to be a light source, given such a bright day. The second was that the bubble "splat" was unrealistic and it wasn't clear that it was actually the "Apple" bubble that had burst. So those were the problems to solve. The first was easy. The second?... well, I am still only so-so on bubble making so creating a realistic bubble burst seemed incomprehensible. So I decided to rethink the whole thing...

And this is what I came up with.

I also submitted a couple of extra credit ideas for a new bp logo. Yes, they're pathetic I know. As is the whole tragic situation.

So not to make light of it or anything but...


Anyway... Let The Summer Begin!

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