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2012-07-06 - 6:20 p.m.

Yankee Doodle Dandies...

I am so grateful for my grandchildren!

Glad they had a fun 4th!

And I am SO grateful that they were born into a country of freedom and opportunity. May they grow up to be mindful and appreciative of it all and never, ever take any bit of it for granted.

Which brings to mind... RAIN.

Beautiful RAIN.

Bless-ed RAIN.

Because I have always taken rain for granted. I'll admit it. And sometimes even resented it. Because I have always equated rain with having to spend SO many hours mowing my lawn afterwards, and typically in the muddy muck... because in my memory it rains here like every other day!.. and to wait for it to dry out would mean grass just too tall to manage.

I have never experienced a summer without rain.

And so I could never, ever have imagined my lawn ever looking like this!..

We have had no rain in weeks along with nearly or over 100 degree temperatures... and no real relief in sight, at least rain-wise, for the next 10 days.

And so, right now, ALL I really want is my long, tall, green, muddy, unmanageable lawn back!

So I guess it just goes to show you... not to ever take things for granted.

At any rate, I'm letting this post serve as my reminder to not completely despise next February... when I'll be able to gaze out over a beautiful white landscape, instead of this ugly burnt beige...

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