
AJ - 2006-02-20 05:37:47
Great job! I loved your progression of scenes, especially since I never got to see AI2, except for the last 2 shows. I'm fasinated by all the clips and you did a beautiful job sewing them all together with others. Since the last night of AI2, I have watched all things Clay so I have seen some of what you included. Thanks for all your efforts.
Brenda NYC - 2006-02-20 06:52:16
I loved it. Great! If this was your first effort, I can't wait to see your second..third... You must of done some major researching for the pictures and videos. Some I've never seen. Loved the song also. I'd vote for you! *****
OH Cindy - 2006-02-20 09:43:51
Wow, Jannet, I'm impressed! Great montage! I love that you included that gorgeous wide-eyed photo of Clay from the McDonald's Children's Charities day. That's one of my favorites.
Erin - 2006-02-20 11:28:46
Holy crap Jannet!!! I am sooooo impressed! That was absolutely wonderful. I loved the whole concept, using that song (which you have made me addicted to since first introducing me to it), and the theme and showing the old AI stuff and all the bumps along the way. And I loved all of the clips and pictures you chose, all of them were my favorite! Especially starting off with the Charlotte audition footage...mmmmmmmmm. Okay, so now you MUST teach me how to do this!
allison - 2006-02-20 12:43:08
wow janet i really liked the hole consept also of this video that was verry wonderfull and i injoyed seeing the old a1 stuff when clay was on americian idol iloved all the clips you put into this one of a kind video you are an amazing video person janet i cant wait to see what happends when and if you do a third video
Lynda - 2006-02-20 17:35:38
Jannet, this is absolutely FANTASTIC!! Your video and photo selections are outstanding! I love that song, and you just gave me a whole montage of reasons to love it even more!
MGM PAT - 2006-02-20 17:53:32
Aw man, Jannet. That is soooo good! I'm really impressed with your talent....of course your subject matter is just beyond words.
Sue - 2006-02-20 21:06:03
I KNEW you would use that song! It's perfect and so's your premiere montage!!!!! Wow, if that's your first effort, just imagine what you can achieve! I love all those old clips and it all hangs together so well. GREAT JOB!!!!
Pat In Indy - 2006-02-22 12:43:32
Wow Jannet! Great job! I love seeing all of the old stuff from AI. I don't know how to make a montage, but I sure watch a lot of them...yours is fantastic.

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