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2006-06-08 - 8:45 p.m.

My Own Personal P.S.A...

Lately... it has come to my attention that there are people among us who feel that they "KNOW HIM"... absolutely. And even though I realize that he hands us that delusion on a silver platter sometimes... the truth of it is that none of us really, truly know him at all. Most likely not even a tenth of him!.. (which would probably only be equivalent to the upper "meatier" part of his right thigh anyway)...

And it's really not our right to.

Who decided that just because he calms us to sleep every night and ignites our every waking nervending, etc... that it should be?

Because as much as I'm invested in him... it still HAS always been my choice. I mean, never ONCE has he ever tried to shove himself down my throat... so to speak.

And I have truly received so much more from him than I could ever possibly give back.

He owes me nothing.

Not even his most private fantasies or innermost secrets...

He just "IS..."

And I just "AM..."

As he continues to "BE..."

(Ok, it's a pretty decent draft.) Let me get back in here in the morning...



Yea, I think I'll just keep as is.

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